Monday, September 15, 2014

Retrospect with a Modern Flare

I know its been a long while since my last post. In fact, it's been almost 2 years.What a long break, right? So now, I actually feel a lot of pressure to write a decent blog because it has been too long since my last post. (God, help me!)

Trying to come up with a topic was like being mentally constipated. Nothing was coming out. I started looking back on my life over the past two years hoping to come up with something to write about.Then it hit me . . . RETROSPECT . . . or, more specifically, "Throwback Thursday". 

Whenever I look through the news feed of my Facebook account on Thursdays, I often see posts of old pictures with a caption about a memory for "Throwback Thursday". I have also done it a few times and enjoyed it. In fact, I love the concept of sharing old photos and memories with friends and relatives on-line. It's cool to see how cute people used to be when they were children and how goofy looking they used to be in their teens - myself included, of course.

In fact, here is a picture of my mom and me. I was a skinny kid who was really hyper. I loved to play like a boy. My mom was always scolding me because I was always playing with boys . . . running, climbing trees and jumping out of them, fighting with boys when needed. I didn't really act like a girl because I was more of a boy at heart, but that didn't stop me from my feminine inclinations. I also enjoyed playing with my barbies and other girlie stuff when I was alone or grounded. My mother wanted me to be all girlie and behaved since, as you can see from the picture on the left, she was very ladylike. She never approved of my rough and tumble ways. In fact, she's holding my arms in the picture trying to keep me still . . . and I was not a happy camper as you can see from my expression. Actually, I even wanted to jump into the Trevi Fountain, but she wouldn't let me. So, I was clearly a handful when I was young.

However, that was then and this is now - chubby as chubby can be. Now, I have to be responsible and sit at a desk for hours almost every day of the week. I don't have time to run or climb and jump out of trees anymore. I still have time to fight with boys, though . . . with my husband and two sons. (I had to get that one in - lol.) Hence, life is now boring since I only have time to work hard, take care of my family and run my household. So, jumping out of trees is clearly out of the picture nowadays, especially since the branches of a tree might not be able to handle my . . . voluptuousness - I love that word as it's so much better than 'heavy weight'. Nevertheless, somethings never change since, according to my husband, I am still a handful in more ways than one. However, in my opinion, that is debatable - although most of the people who know me would agree with him.

So, kudos to whoever came up with "Throwback Thursday"! It's such a clever way to put a little RETROSPECT into our lives. Furthermore, it's important to be able to look back once in a while and remember fond memories of how it used to be and what we used to be like. If we remember the past every now and then, we will never forget where we came from or who we were . . . or how goofy we looked.

So, let's enjoy RETROSPECT with a modern flare and post our memories on Thursdays. Let's do it so that our friends and relatives can take a peek at our past and see a different side of us. Let's also continue to live life under the sun by warming ourselves with our memories and those of our friends and relatives . . . on Throwback Thursdays, of course. 

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