Saturday, September 15, 2012

Exasperate . . . I think someone needs a 'facial'.

Today, I have decided to take a break from the sunshine and butterflies and enter another realm of consciousness. I have decided to give you guys reprieve from the sweetness and cuteness of my posts (lol) and take you to a darker place . . . anger . . . irritation . . . basically, I mean being pissed off! I guess you can think of this post as a cloudy day while 'living under the sun' because, as you know, life is not sunshine and rainbows 24/7.

I'm sure all you guys out there have had a bad day at least once in your life. However, have you ever felt so annoyed or angry at someone that you just wanted to take their face and use it to clean the floor or the toilet? You would be surprised how asinine some people are even though you are making an effort to help them. It's simply AMAZING! (in a very BAD way)

Before I go on, let's take a closer look at the word for the day . . . EXASPERATE.


tr.v. ex·as·per·at·edex·as·per·at·ingex·as·per·ates
1. To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.
2. To increase the gravity or intensity of:

- from The Free Dictionary, by Farlex

A good example of this word is what happened to me recently . . . Have you ever sat on a dirty toilet? It is one of the most unsettling feelings in the world, especially for girls. Hence, with great patience and understanding initially, I repeatedly tried to teach someone (who was young and inexperienced in the ways of housework) how to do something which basically requires common sense . . . how to clean the toilet. Although it's definitely not fun to do, it must be done nonetheless!

However, for some odd reason, this person could not learn or did not want to learn how to do clean the 'throne' that we shared.  (I think that "didn't want to" is the more accurate description of this situation.) Anyway, she somehow would always forget to do it after being taught countless times, or would find the most senseless or illogical way to clean it. After I had cleaned the toilet on a number of occasions because she just didn't do it or wouldn't clean it right, she exasperated me and I lost it. I was so angry because she said she had cleaned the toilet, but she really hadn't done it.  If I wanted to use a clean toilet, I would have to clean it myself, but she would nonetheless get to use it. I was completely exasperated. I even imagined giving her a special 'facial' and using her face to clean the bowl. I think that even Thinker could have done it for desecrating his 'throne'. However, that's not how I roll . . .

So, I did what any good Christian who studied the law would do . . . I made sure justice prevailed! I had her clean it right in front of me. At first, she was up to her usual tricks, just dumping some cleanser in the toilet bowl and lightly swishing it about with a toilet brush; then, ending the task without even cleaning the inner bowl thoroughly, the seat, the outer bowl, the cover, and so forth. I was extremely angry because having a clean toilet is a matter of health, especially for women. Hence, I firmly directed her to clean the 'throne' blow by blow - it was like a title fight between her and the toilet bowl, . . . with me as the 'manager' of the toilet bowl. I stood next to her while she bent down and cleaned it under my strict supervision. She looked angry because I wasn't being taken in by her feigned ignorance, but I didn't care. I had to make my point . . . I wasn't going to clean it again after having done that at least 4 times just to teach her . . . after all, she was getting paid to do it, not me!

In the end, she cleaned the whole bathroom very well and I was finally happy that she had done her job well.
So, there was no need for a "toilet facial". A little while after that, the 'clouds' seemed to dissipate making it possible to resume 'living under the sun' . . . with a clean toilet so sit on so that I could think about life more deeply and comfortably . . . on the toilet, of course.

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